Browsing All posts tagged under »social media«

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

December 30, 2012


I’ve pretty much had enough of Facebook. Of course, I’ve been saying that for months, maybe years. But I’ve noticed lately how seriously aggravating the service is in terms of where and how it broadcasts every single action you take. Just one example: when you upload photos, though you can adjust who sees the photos, […]

Can Ulysses be tweeted?

June 14, 2011


I’m participating in an interesting artistic/social experiment, happening on Thursday, June 16 (Bloomsday), that will involve tweeting the entirety of Ulysses, the James Joyce masterpiece that we all had to read in college but either skimmed, read and forgot, or Sparknoted instead. I was in the “read and forgot” group, though I remember being surprised […]

On Twitter’s 5th birthday, a wish list

March 21, 2011


Today is Twitter’s 5th birthday. Seems appropriate, since the service’s overall intelligence is now just about level with a 5-year-old’s. No, I’m (obviously) a major fan and proponent of the site. It’s become clear that Twitter is indispensable for getting news, and getting it right away. But, as a birthday gift to its users, here […]